Surf Fitness- Swimming- Learning The Side Stroke Can Save Your Life!
Surfing is a fun and exciting sport, but it can also be dangerous and unpredictable. Surfers may find themselves in an emergency situation, such as being caught in a rip current, losing their board, or getting injured. In these cases, knowing how to swim well can be a lifesaver. Two of the best swimming strokes for surfers in an emergency are the side crawl and the breaststroke. These strokes can help surfers conserve energy, stay calm, and get to safety.
The side crawl is a swimming stroke involving lying on one side and alternating the arms and legs in a scissor-like motion. The side crawl is also known as the combat swimmer stroke or the navy seal combat side stroke. The side crawl is a good stroke for surfers in an emergency because it allows them to keep their heads above water and breathe easily. It also allows them to see where they are going and avoid obstacles or dangers. The side crawl is also a stealthy and efficient way of swimming long-distance, as it creates less drag and turbulence in the water.
The breaststroke is a type of swimming stroke that involves moving the arms in a circular motion and kicking the legs in a frog-like motion. The breaststroke is one of the most popular and essential swimming strokes. The breaststroke is a good stroke for surfers in an emergency because it allows them to control their speed and direction easily. It also allows them to dive underwater and resurface quickly, which can help avoid waves or debris. The breaststroke is also a relaxing and soothing way of swimming, as it helps reduce stress and anxiety.
One of the common mistakes that surfers make when swimming in an emergency is kicking their legs too much. Kicking the legs can be tiring and wasteful, as it uses up much energy and oxygen. Kicking the legs can also create more drag and friction in the water, slowing the swimmer down. Kicking the legs can also cause cramps or injuries, worsening the situation. Therefore, surfers should avoid kicking their legs too much and focus on using their arms instead. Using the arms can help surfers swim faster, smoother, and longer with less effort.
As you can see, the side crawl and the breaststroke are two of the best swimming strokes for surfers in an emergency. They can help surfers conserve energy, stay calm, and get to safety. They can also help surfers avoid kicking their legs too much, which can be tiring and wasteful. Surfers should practice these strokes regularly to improve their swimming skills and confidence. Surfers should also learn how to swim in different conditions and situations, such as waves, currents, or cold water. Swimming is a great way to improve your surfing fitness and a vital skill for your surfing safety.
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