Best and Worst Boards To Learn On- "Longboard"
A longboard is a type of surfboard longer than 9 feet, with a round nose, and 1-3 fins. Longboards are great for cruising and gliding on small and gentle waves. They offer a lot of stability, buoyancy, and ease of paddling. They are ideal for experienced surfers who want to enjoy the smooth and graceful surfing style.
But here’s the problem: longboards are also very difficult to learn on for beginners who want to learn how to surf. Why? Because they are so hard and heavy. Longboards are made of thick, rigid materials that make them very heavy. And because they are so hard, they can cause injuries if they hit you too hard. However, once you learn how to ride a Soft Top or Foamie, you may want to try out a
Longboard and see how you like it.
I also suggest you check out some longboard surf videos so that you can see how graceful people can surf on them! Once you see what's possible, then you can start trying it out as you learn on your foamie or Soft Top.
Let me know if you have any questions!
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